April’s Garden shortlisted for the KPMG Children’s Books Ireland Awards 2024
The KPMG Children’s Books Ireland Awards are the leading annual children’s book awards in Ireland. Established in 1990, these awards identify, honour
and promote excellence in books for young people by Irish authors and illustrators. Whilst the over-arching criterion is excellence in children’s books, there are five awards up for grabs: The KPMG Children’s Books Ireland Book fo the Year Award, Honour Award for Fiction, Honour Award for Illustration, Eilís Dillon Award (for a first children’s book), The Judges’ Special Award
and the Junior Juries’ Award.

About the authors & illustrators

Isla McGuckin is a dreamer and a writer and the proud mother of daughters. Endlessly optimistic, Isla believes that words have the power to open hearts, change minds and make the world a better place. Born and raised in urban Yorkshire, Isla is now based in rural Donegal. Living in her tiny house beside the seaside – with her much-loved family of people and pets – feels like home.

Catalina Echeverri was born in Botogá, Colombia, and now lives in London with her Northern Irish husband and their three daughters. Having illustrated more than 20 books in various countries, Catalina is never without her sketchbook and loves to take inspiration from everyday life.
Graffeg have a well-established reputation for high-quality design and production and publish fiction, children’s fiction, non-fiction and gift stationery by internationally acknowledged writers, artists and illustrators. Our wonderful authors and illustrators include Jackie Morris, Nicola Davies, James Mayhew, Joyce Dunbar, Max Low, Julia Hubery, Dom Conlon, Anastasia Izlesou and many more.