Paperback | 40 pages | 250 x 250mm
Publication March 2022 | ISBN 9781914079665
Meet Rita. She’s a little girl with very big ideas. When Rita gets cross she imagines she has a ferocious dragon that will make the world shudder with anger. But even the hottest tempers can be soothed and Rita’s mum knows just how.
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Books in the series:
Rita wants a Witch
- Rita wants a Robot
- Rita wants a Ninja
- Rita wants a Fairy Godmother
Rita wants a Dragon
- Rita wants a Genie
Máire Zepf has written 12 books for children, from picture books to a YA verse novel. Winner of the KPMG Children’s Book of the Year, the Réics Carl Award and a White Raven in 2020, her books appear in 8 languages worldwide. The Co. Down author was the first Children’s Writing Fellow for Northern Ireland and is Artistic Director for Quotidian.
Andrew Whitson is an award-winning artist and Belfast native who likes to be called Mr. Ando! He lives in an old house which is nestled discreetly on the side of a misty hill; at the edge of a magic wood, below an enchanted castle in the shadow of a giant’s nose. His house looks down over Belfast Harbour where the Titanic was built and up at the Belfast Cavehill.
'Practical, comforting and so soothing, this is a story that allows us to understand that feelings are okay; in fact, they’re important. And we won’t be punished or thought of as “bad” for our feelings. Not even by ourselves. Such an important gift to give ourselves. Rita Wants a Dragon shows us that we’re fine just as we are.' Mary Esther Judy, FallenStar Stories
'With powerful images created by Mr Ando on every spread, Máire Zeph’s tale of Rita’s challenging behaviour offers parents and educators in early years settings an enjoyable starting point for discussions about feelings of anger and how to cope with them.' Jill Bennett, Red Reading Hub
'This empathetic, conversation-starting picture book will ease even the fieriest of tempers.' Joanne Owen, LoveReading4Kids
'The book is short, amusing, and has amazing illustrations. It complements the series perfectly and shows just how big Rita’s imagination is and hopefully will get the young readers to explore theirs too.' Whispering Stories
'Another great instalment in the Rita wants series...The story is simple but a great one in showing how children can deal with anger when they experience it.' The Strawberry Post
'This brilliant picture book is a great way to show young children how we can work through life’s problems and emotions' Carolyn Copland, The School Librarian