1000 Tudor Places

One thousand places where the Tudors lived, loved, fought and died that can be visited today.
Author Deborah Roil
Format Hardback, 254 x 203.2mm
Pages 576
Publication September 2025
Price £40.00
ISBN 9781913634568
Words 385,000 +
Images 300 +
Cover image: Hampton Court © Paul Campbell.
– Introduction
– How to use the book
– Top 100 Tudor Places
– Churches, Abbeys, Cathedral, Castles, Palaces, Manor Houses, Townhouses, Colleges, Battlefields and other places listed by county
– County Overviews and Maps
– Timeline
– Itineraries
– Summary of Places connected to key Tudor People
From the almost perfect time capsules of Harvington Hall and Hardwick Hall, to the traces of Richmond Palace and the remnants of Rievaulx Abbey, from the wealthy wool church of St Mary’s Fairford, to Christ Church College, Cambridge and the Merchant’s House in Tenby, the Bosworth battlefield site to the Mary Rose warship and the wonderful chantry chapels of Winchester Cathedral, from Ludlow Castle to Paycocke’s House and Layer Marney Tower, these buildings chart the turbulent Tudor age and the fascinating stories of its people and events.
1000 Tudor Places brings all these sites and buildings together, for the first time, in one comprehensive work, providing a reference book and a guide to the Tudor places in England and Wales that can be visited today. Richly illustrated, with buildings and sites arranged by county, and accompanied by maps, itineraries and a timeline, this book is perfect for anyone with an interest in Tudor history, whether they are armchair travelling or wanting inspiration and information for a visit.
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Deborah Roil is founder and editor of Tudor Places, a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to exploring Tudor places and their stories, past and present. She is studying for a Masters in English Building History at the University of York. Deborah is a co-founder of Tudor Times, online repository of information about the Tudor and Stewart period (1485-1625). Her previous works from Graffeg, together with collaborator Melita Thomas, include four perpetual diaries enriched with historical detail: Tudor Book of Days, Tudor Book of the Garden, Elizabeth I Book of Days and Mary, Queen of Scots Book of Days.