World Autism Acceptance Week / Wythnos Derbyn Awtistiaeth y Byd

Celebrate Autism Acceptance Week and raise awareness with some picture books by Jon Roberts and Hannah Rounding.
Dathlwch Wythnos Derbyn Awtistiaeth a chodwch ymwybyddiaeth gyda llyfrau lluniau sydd wedi'u hysgrifennu gan ein awdur, Jon Roberts.
"Autism Acceptance week is not just about acknowledging the differences in the way autistic individuals experience the world, but also recognising their unique strengths and abilities. It's a time to promote inclusion and understanding, and to celebrate the diversity that makes our society so rich and vibrant.
I wrote Through the Eyes of Me and Through the Eyes of Us because I wanted to share the beauty and uniqueness of my daughter, who happens to be autistic. Through her eyes, I have learned to appreciate the world in a different way, and I hope that by sharing her story, I can help others see the world in a more inclusive and accepting light." - Jon Roberts on Autism Acceptance Week
Through the Eyes of Me is a beautiful, colourful, illustrated book for children that allows a glimpse into the world of a child with autism. Readers will meet 4-year-old Kya who loves to run, read, look at … and rip up … stickers. Discover why Kya does certain things, doesn’t like some things, and really, really loves other things.
In this second book of the series, Kya is now going to school and has a best friend, Martha, who is also on the autistic spectrum but expresses herself very differently. Whilst Kya is quiet in the class, Martha is talkative and asks lots of questions. Both enjoy the sensation of eating, but Martha doesn’t understand that she can eat too much. Both like a bedtime routine, but whilst Kya can keep going until late at night, Martha knows when she is tired and takes herself to bed.
Mae Kya a Martha yn ffrindiau pennaf. Mae’r ddwy ar y sbectrwm awtistig ond yn mynegi eu hunain yn wahanol iawn. Yn yr ysgol mae Kya yn dawel yn y dosbarth, ond mae Martha yn siaradus ac yn gofyn llawer o gwestiynau. Amser gwely mae Kya yn hoffi cadw ar ddihun, ond mae Martha yn mynd i’r gwely pan fydd hi wedi blino. Mae’r ddwy yn hoffi’r cyffro sydd o’u cwmpas, ac yn deffro bob bore yn barod am antur newydd.
Every child is different. Some are loud, they love talking and showing off. Others are quiet and like to be on their own. Some have disabilities that you can see, while others have disabilities that may not be so obvious. We are all unique. We all have our own lives, our own dreams, and our own talents. Let’s see what we can do.
Mae pob plentyn yn wahanol. Mae rhai’n swnllyd, yn hoffi siarad a dangos eu hunain. Mae eraill yn dawel ac yn hoffi bod ar eu pen eu hunain. Mae gan rai wahaniaethau y gallwch eu gweld, ac mae gan eraill wahaniaethau nad ydyn nhw mor amlwg efallai. Rydyn ni i gyd yn unigryw. Mae gennym i gyd ein bywyd ei hunain, ein breuddwydion ein hunain a’n doniau ein hunain. Dewch i weld beth allwn ni ei wneud.
All books are available to purchase at your local bookshop or directly from our website,
Mae'r llyfrau i gyd ar gael i brynu o'ch siopau llyfrau lleol neu trwy ein gwefan,