Dom Conlon at Hay Book Festival

We're so excited to announce that author of the Wild Wanderers series, Dom Conlon, will be at this years Hay Book Festival on Saturday 28th May.
With the aid of a giant world map, Dom Conlon takes children on a journey through the natural world to see how hares adapt to climate, how sharks protect the air we breathe, how the wind brings life to the Amazon rainforest and how life without light would be a difficult thing. Children will leap across the room and make their own Wild Wanderer stories to take away.
With tickets costing only £6, this isn't an event to miss.
Find out more about The Wild Wanderers picture book written by Dom Conlon and illustrated by Anastasia Izlesou below:
From the leap of a hare and the gentlest breeze to a blazing star and ancient trees, Wild Wanderers is a series of poetic exploration which will inspire children across the world. Each book takes a gentle and lyrical journey through biodiversity, environment and challenges to unlock a world of wonder.