Independent Bookshop Week

Happy Independent Bookshop Week to all! Being an indie publisher ourselves, we've had so much support from indie bookshops across the UK. So, as a token of our thanks, we've decided to run a pre-publication offer exclusive to independent bookshops and libraries across the UK.
Due for release on 26 August 2021, Graffeg are offering all independent bookshops and children’s libraries the chance to obtain copies of Fletcher and the Rainbow from 19 June, some 9 weeks ahead of publication.
Fletcher and the Rainbow is the latest title in the Fletcher’s Four Seasons series of children’s picture books by Julia Rawlinson and illustratedby Tiphanie Beeke, which celebrates the joy and adventure of nature. This, the sixth title in the series, explores the delights of rainbows and the colours of the seasons as well as challenging feelings of failure and worry.
When Fletcher sees a dazzling rainbow, he is determined to help it shine forever. Guided by his friends, he chases it through the dripping wood… but the rainbow soon starts to fade. Once the last scrap of colour is gone, Fletcher feels he has failed – until he realises something wonderful!
Graffeg have also made a range of publicity material available to bookshops free on request, including posters, bookmarks and signed bookplates.
If bookshops wish to receive copies during June, they should order through CBS or Signature. For further information on this offer, please contact Matthew Howard on or ring 01554 825000.