International Women's Day with Graffeg

International Women's Day with Graffeg!

 Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Merched gyda Graffeg!

To celebrate International Women's Day we thought we might draw your attention to some of our lovely picture books written and illustrated by women.

Gan mae Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Merched yw hi heddiw, gad i ni dynnu'ch sylw at rhai o'n llyfrau lluniau hyfryd sydd wedi'u hysgrifennu a'u darlunio gan fenywod.

Frog's Bog by Marielle Bayliss & Mariela Malova

Broga Bach Heglog gan Marielle Bayliss a Mariela Malova

Whether he's dunked in a bog by Fox, dive-bombed by Dragonfly, speckled with wood chips by Woodpecker or croaking off-key in his very own frog chorus, Frog can't seem to find the perfect place to relax. Thankfully, the ever-present bees are on hand to help make Frog's Bog the best bog around.

The first in a new series of titles aimed at showing children the benefits of living in a caring, sharing world.

Mae Broga wedi digalonni - mae Llwynog yn ei wlychu, mae Gwas y nedir yn dyn ei gino, mae Cnocell yn tasgu brigau ato, ac nid yw ei grawc yn swynol. Ond mae'r gwenyn a gweddill ei ffrindiau with y pwll corsiog am wneud eu gorau i godi calon Broga Bach. 

Y cyntaf mewn cyfres newydd o deitlau gyda'r nod o ddangos i blant y manteision o fyw mewn byd gofalgar.

The Fletcher series by Julia Rawlinson and Tiphanie Beeke

Cyfres Cynan gan Julia Rawlinson a Tiphanie Beeke

When Fletcher sees a dazzling rainbow, he is determined to help it shine forever. Guided by his friends, he chases it through the dripping wood… but the rainbow soon starts to fade. Once the last scrap of colour is gone, Fletcher feels he has failed - until he realises something wonderful!

This series follows Fletcher the Fox as he navigates the constant changing of the seasons and their own unique characteristics. Julia Rawlinson's writing works alongside Tiphanie Beeke's bold illustrations, drawing attention to nature's intricate details and all of its lovely surprises.

Wedi i Cynan rowlio i lawr yr allt i ganol y berllan heulog, roedd e’n methu credu beth oedd o’i flaen. Eira! Aeth ar frys i rybuddio’i ffrindiau bod y gwanwyn yn hwyr iawn. Ond oes esboniad arall am y lluwch gwyn?

Mae'r gyfres hon yn dilyn Cynan, y llwynog bach chwilfrydig, wrth iddo dysgu am newid cyson y tymhorau a'u nodweddion unigryw. Mae geiriau Julia Rawlinson yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â darluniau lliwgar Tiphanie Beeke, gan dynnu sylw at fanylion bach a mawr y byd natur a’i holl rhyfeddodau.

Animal Surprises series by Nicola Davies and Abbie Cameron

Cyfres Rhyfeddol! gan Nicola Davies and Abbie Cameron

Follow the young adventurer as she treks through the jungle, dives deep down into the sea and climbs high up into the trees. Animal Surprises features animals big, small, wide and tall. Fully illustrated in colour by exciting new illustrator Abbie Cameron.

The Animal Surprises series is perfect for younger readers looking to learn more about wildlife and natural habitats.

Dilynwch yr anturiwr ifanc wrth iddi fentro drwy’r môr i astudio pysgod o bob math. Mae’r gyfres hon yn cynnwys anifeiliaid bach, mawr, llydan a thal. Mae’n cynnwys lluniau llawn lliw gan yr arlunydd Abbie Cameron. 

Mae'r gyfres Rhyfeddol! yn berffaith i ddarllenwyr ifanc sy'n frwdfrydig i ddysgu am y byd naturiol ac anifeiliaid gwyllt. 

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