Spring is a brilliant time of year to explore the world around you. Whether you're looking to explore the habitat, muster up some inspiration or simply seeking out an escape, then these are the perfect Spring reads for you and your little ones.
The Shadows and Light series by Nicola Davies and various illustrators.
Shadows and Light is a series of tales that explore the deeper, darker side of our connection with the natural world. They can be a perfect way to re-connect with nature as warmer months approach. Despite falling in the middle-grade category, we think these tales are suitable for all ages. Be ready to feel a little bit of magic, and perhaps a few shivers down the spine.
Back then, humans and animals were fellow beings under the sky. Perhaps that’s why it seemed possible for humans to change into animals.
In a land where people flow between ocean and land, a seal and a fisherman sing together under a flowing moon.
The smallest of three brothers, Keenan Mowat had a priceless talent: he loved the sea and the sea loved him right back.
Elias Martin lives a scowling, solitary life for a decade until a small, lost child wanders into his path.
Azin and his nomadic family rely upon the Moonflowers to keep them alive. When his elders are taken ill, young Azin is left to guide the bees to these rare flowers and return with their precious honey, but he is not the only one seeking out their magic…
Bound to serve a cruel master, Nant’s curiosity never fails to get her into trouble. Her dreams of a life beyond her marshland home intensify each autumn when the silver eels return, along with her questions. Where do they come from? And where do they go?
The Ebb and Flo series by Jane Simmons
This series of picture books, written by Jane Simmons, tell the tales of Flo and her dog Ebb as they navigate life living on the coast of Cornwall in a boat. From tales of friendly geese to sea monsters, these stories give a glimpse of sea side life and encourage exploration.
One day Ebb and Flo find a bird sitting in their boat – in Ebb’s favourite spot! Flo invites the bird to join them, but Ebb isn’t so sure and wishes the bird would just fly away. But what happens when Ebb’s wish comes true? A seaside story of friendship with Ebb and Flo.
A journey home from Granny’s house turns into a big adventure when Ebb and Flo have to camp out for the night. They think they’ve found a sea monster - but sea monsters don’t really exist ... do they? An enchanting seaside tale about the myths
of a local sea monster.
Un dydd, mae Awel a Glan yn dod o hyd i aderyn yn eu cwch – yn eistedd yn hoff lecyn Glan! Mae Awel wrth ei bodd ond nid yw Glan mor siŵr, ac mae am i’r aderyn fynd ... ond beth os daw dymuniad Glan yn wir? Stori fach hyfryd am bwysigrwydd bod yn oddefgar a chyfeillgar.
Mae taith adref o dy Nain yn troi’n antur fawr. Wrth i Awel a Glan orfod treulio noson yn cysgu dan y ser maen nhw’n siwr eu bod nhw’n gweld anghenfil y m r – ond does dim o’r fath beth yn bod, nag oes?
The Wild Wanderers written by Dom Conlon and illustrated by Anastasia Izlesou
From the leap of a hare and the gentlest breeze to a blazing star and ancient trees, Wild Wanderers is a series of poetic exploration which will inspire children across the world. Each book takes a gentle and lyrical journey through biodiversity, environment and challenges to unlock a world of wonder.
Leap hand-in-paw with Hare to meet her furry cousins from America to Japan and from Europe to the Arctic, in this poetic account of habitats and predators across the world.
Swim around the world with Shark as he explores ocean forests and coastal reefs, meeting Hammerheads and Great Whites, stingrays and dolphins in a search for the place he calls home.
Chase Wind through the oceans, fields and mountains as, from zephyr to gale, she carries seeds and stirs seas, enriching the world and breathing life.
Travel with Star as her light zips across 93 million miles of space from her home to Earth, where she ripens crops, keeps us warm, creates weather and reveals a waking world full of life.
Mouse and Mole series written by Joyce Dunbar and illustrated by James Mayhew
Mouse and Mole is a series of charming, gentle and humourous adventures taking place in the beautiful setting of the British countryside.
What will Mouse and Mole find to do tomorrow? They set out their plan: a picnic of cheese and cucumber sandwiches if it is a fine day, or roasted chestnuts and toasted muffins in front of an apple wood fire if it is wild and wintry. But what will they do if it is an in-between sort of day?
Mouse and Mole try to give their friendship a fresh start but realise they can’t go without seeing each other, even for a day.
Mouse and Mole try to avoid a storm by running, crawling and sitting it out, until they realise it’s impossible to know when a bolt from the blue will strike and to make the best of their situation.
Mole dreams that he finds the secret of happiness and wakes a grumpy Mouse to tell him, but then Mole instantly forgets! Mole spends all day trying to remember, bringing Mouse and all their friends to join his search, but will he manage to discover the secret again?
The Fletcher Fox series by Julia Rawlinson and Tiphanie Beeke
Combining emotive, lyrical storytelling with anengagement with nature, the adventures of Fletchercoincide with the characteristics of the four seasons,inspired directly by author Julia Rawlinson’sexperiences with her own children and theirinquisitiveness about nature.
Fletcher and his friends are eager to embrace the new season as spring arrives, but they’re in for a surprise – the ground is blanketed in white! Fletcher rushes to warn the other creatures, but could there be more to this sudden snowfall than there seems?
The wood is alive with the joyous sounds of summer. But rabbit is sad: she can’t sing, or chirp, or even croak! So Fletcher has an idea… With the help of his friends, he sets about putting on a show. Rabbit may not be able to chirp or sing but her talents are sure to dazzle when she takes to stage!
When Fletcher sees a dazzling rainbow, he is determined to help it shine forever. Guided by his friends, he chases it through the dripping wood… but the rainbow soon starts to fade. Once the last scrap of colour is gone, Fletcher feels he has failed - until he realises something wonderful!
Fletcher finds a caterpillar under a juicy green leaf. With the help of his friends, he introduces it to lots of games. But all it wants to do is munch. When Caterpillar stops munching, Fletcher is worried...but as spring turns into summer, something magical is about to happen!