The Dandelion's Tale available to indie bookshops across UK for Independent Bookshop Week

Independent Bookshop Week is celebrated from the 15th to the 22nd of June. Here at Graffeg, we want to say thank you to the wonderful independent bookshops that have supported us over the years. We are making our upcoming title, The Dandelion's Tale by Margaret Anne Suggs available early to all UK indie bookshops for Independent Bookshop Week.

Independent bookshops are the heart and soul of our communities. They are a hub for local talent and community spirit, staffed with booksellers that are always happy to chat and recommend your next perfect read. Whether you're having a good or bad day, a visit to an indie bookshop will always make it better. Thank you, booksellers!

The Dandelion's Tale

"As the shadows lengthened and twilight inched towards evening, we tucked our petals, nodded our heavy heads, and drifted to sleep."

In this allegory of immigration, the dandelions – who are just weeds after all – are forced to move on when they are confronted with tools, machines and potions. So they float, taking their hopes with them, and go on a journey to find a peaceful place to reseed and settle.

The Dandelions Tale is now available to all indie bookshops across the UK for Independent Bookshop Week. Please contact your local Compass or Books Council of Wales rep to order early copies, or email for more information.

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