Paperback | Age 2+ | 36 pages | 250 x 250mm
Publication November 2021 | ISBN 9781914079689
A tender, humorous picture book helping to introduce potty training to young children through the character of George the Wombat. George wants to play, but Mummy Wombat tells him he has to use the potty before he leaves. George is finding it very difficult until he gets some advice from his friends and Papa Wombat and he is finally successful!
Books in the series:
Welsh editions:
'Potty stories are always popular, and George’s efforts to obey his mum, and the advice he gets from friends, are both funny and charming. The illustrations are warm and full of life – George is a very appealing little character – and parents will find this a good way to introduce the subject of toilet training.' - Andrea Reece, LoveReading4Kids
'Eva Papouskova and Galina Miklinova have combined writing and illustration skills to bring us the cutest little wombat, his wombat friends and family, wombat facts and a hilarious story too. Many of us will likely never get to see a wombat in real life but George certainly makes up for that! Little ones may well, in fact will hopefully giggle as the read story with you but hopefully they will be inspired by George’s continued efforts to try their very best with their own potty training.' - Armadillo Magazine
"With its repeat refrains and gentle humour throughout the telling, a humour that is superbly underscored in Galina Miklínová’s cross-hatched illustrations showing the cuddlesome creature endeavouring to follow instructions and produce the goods, this book will delight both youngsters and adults, all of whom will relish the potty-sitting sequences." - Jill Bennett, Red Reading Hub
"This is a great and fun book to help children with their potty training. It has some great advice which can be repeated to children and it’s just an overall very fun book to look at again and again. And you might also learn an interesting fact about wombats along the way too!" - The Strawberry Post
'Charmingly illustrated, readers will delight in George's expressive manner as he navigates the perils of potty training. Simply gorgeous.' - Alison King
'George the Wombat is a really cute loveable book for age 2+ that all children with laugh and enjoy' - Book Read 2 Day
'We have been enjoying reading this with Dylan (aged 2) as he is going through his potty training journey. Dylan’s enjoyed this book as George is a furry creature which is different to the other potty books we have been reading where the characters are human / kids.' - Sarah Tyson, Books Up North
'The boys absolutely love this book so much and have read it a few times. I love it also as it’s such an amazing book to help with potty training, which is what I’m currently doing with the youngest. It encourages them to sit on it for a little bit longer, especially with all of George’s friends helping him out and giving him encouraging words.' - Cheryl Gill, Toddle About
‘This is a wonderful book, and it was warmly received by the nursery children I read it to; they found it absolutely hilarious. Obviously learning how to use a potty is something they really relate to, but I think this book will appeal to all young children. A must-have for every library, it really will make all readers laugh and reinforce to everyone that we all have something which makes us unique just like the wombat! The clear and amazing illustrations make this book an all-round winner!’ Rebecca Taylor, The School Librarian