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Age 5-7 | Hardback | 36 pages | 250 x 250mm | Publication March 2021
Hardback ISBN 9781913134808 | eBook ISBN 9781913634841
Gaspard’s friend Finty the dog and her owner Honey are travelling to a classical concert in London’s Hyde Park – if only Gaspard could join them! But while good-naturedly attempting to return Honey’s scarf, the handsomest fox in London suddenly finds himself on a tour through the city’s streets aboard Finty’s bus passing some of London’s best sight-seeing spots such as: Islington Green, Museum Street, Chinatown, the theatres of the West End, Piccadilly and many more.
This latest adventure in the Gaspard the Fox series sees Gaspard thrust literally to centre stage as he becomes a musical inspiration.
Books in the series:
Watch below – Zeb Soanes and James Mayhew discuss the project, from original concept through to the final concert, premiering soon:
Did you know that Gaspard's Foxtrot has also been made into a concert experience for children by Jonathan Dove and RSNO? Find out more below:
Zeb Soanes is a children’s author and broadcaster. He presents weekday evenings on Classic FM. For over 20 years, he was a newsreader and reassuring voice of the Shipping Forecast on BBC Radio 4. He has written for The Observer, Country Life, and The Literary Review and his best-selling first book for children, Gaspard the Fox began a series of stories based on the real urban fox that visits him at home in London. He has earned a reputation as ‘the go-to person for music narration’ with the UK’s leading orchestras, performing favourite works for children including Paddington’s First Concert and Peter and the Wolf. In recognition of his efforts to culturally rehabilitate the urban fox, he was made the first patron of the Mammal Society.
James Mayhew is an acclaimed illustrator, author, concert presenter and storyteller. James is the creator of the much-loved Katie and Ella Bella Ballerina series and Graffeg’s re-publication of Koshka’s Tales. He illustrates the Mouse & Mole series by Joyce Dunbar. He is also the recipient of the New York Times book illustration award.
Top 3 children's books – Sally Morris, The Daily Mail 25 March 2021
'This title provides a model for the teaching of literacy, art and music – now that is the kind of 3 for the price of 1 we all want on our bookshelves! A super next read for fans of The Queen’s Hat by Steve Antony (which was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra) and the perfect bridging text to Peter and the Wolf. At a time when staycations and outdoor performance are gaining enormous popularity, this is a timely tale to encourage children to enjoy the arts in any way available to them. So join with us and ‘civilise’ the next generation by immersing them in the words, art and music of this incredible picture book that will inspire a lifelong love of culture in all its many facets.' – Caroline Bradley, Just Imagine (read full review here)
‘The wonderful thing about Gaspard the Fox is that it’s hard to imagine a time when he was never there. He has the look and sound - in the words and pictures on the page and the music of the orchestra - of a classic. Three cheers for Gaspard!’ - Philip Ardagh, Roald Dahl Funny Prize winning author
‘Another wonderful tale of the exciting adventures of Gaspard, our urban fox friend, beautifully told and illustrated. A real treat’. - Dame Patricia Routledge
‘This is a lovely story, beautifully illustrated and speaks to the hearts of all children, young and old' - Marin Alsop, Conductor
'It's a sweet tale which is as much a love letter to London as it is a nod to the Proms. Readers are invited to discover all the sights along the No. 38 bus route to Hyde Park, with lots of fascinating detail and charming illustrations by James Mayhew.' - 4 star review, Michael Beeke, BBC Music Magazine
Praise for the series:
‘A wonderful tale about celebrating difference and triumphing against the odds’ Clare Balding
‘I loved reading about the adventures of Gaspard the urban fox – surely a prince in disguise? More please.’ Francesca Simon, author of the Horrid Henry Series