English Paperback | 203.2 x 254mm | Publication March 2024 | ISBN 9781802587265
Inspired by an interdisciplinary event series, this book presents scientific and artistic essays which aim to guide us toward a sustainable path in the face of evolving technological landscapes. Positioned at the intersection of technology, sustainability, art and creativity, the contributions imagine alternative futures, address ethical concerns and delve into our role in shaping the future.
About the Authors:
Harald Pechlaner is Head of the Center for Advanced Studies at Eurac Research, chair of tourism and founding dean of the School of Transformation and Sustainability at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Since 2014 he is Adjunct Research Professor at Curtin University (Perth, Australia) and President of AIEST (Association Internationale d’Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme), the oldest tourism experts’ association, based in the University of St. Gallen.
Michael de Rachewiltz is a researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research (Italy). His main interests concern philosophy of mind, philosophy of science and applied ethics.
Maximilian Walder is a researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research (Italy). He studied sociology at the Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck and the sociology of culture, media and the arts in Rotterdam. His research interests include racism in sports, the media reception of audiences and cultural mass media.
Elisa Innerhofer was Senior Researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies at Eurac Research Bolzano-Bozen, Italy. She studied international economics, business science and political science at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and the Marquette University in Milwaukee (WI, USA) and holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Germany.
Oscar Diodoro is an Italian illustrator and visual artist. His work, characterised by a synthesis of geometric shapes and an attention to details and colours, range from figurative to abstract, maintaining immediate visual recognition and coherence. He has exhibited in galleries and events internationally, in cities such as Rome, Milan, Turin, Verona, Treviso, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Tenerife and Beijing. He has created murals in historic spaces (Bolzano-Bozen, bunker of the Second World War) and on the facades of buildings (Bolzano-Bozen, via Parma). His clients include Spotify, Warner Bros., Adobe, Il Sole 24 Ore, RAI, Newton Compton Editori, Usborne Publishing and EURAC Research.