Graffeg partners with WildCats Conservation Alliance

We're so excited to announce our new partnership with WildCats Conservation Alliance. With every purchase of Lord of the Forest or Arglwydd y Fforest (Welsh edition translated by Mererid Hopwood) on our website using the code 'WildCats' we will donate £4 to this charity.

WildCats Conservation Alliance is an initiative of the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and Dreamworld Wildlife Foundation (DWF) channeling public and zoo support for wild tiger and Amur leopard conservation projects. To date, WildCats has mobilised over £4m in support of 103 monitoring, protection, conflict resolution, firefighting and awareness-raising projects. 

Currently, WildCats supports projects in 5 tiger range countries within Asia. It works with implementing partners whose projects are regularly, independently, reviewed providing supporters with the confidence that their money is being used effectively.  

Everything little Tiger hears is new and exciting. When he tells his mother of the sounds all around him she reminds him ‘When you don’t hear them, my son, be ready. The Lord of the Forest is here!’ But who is the Lord of the Forest, and when will Tiger find out?

Y mae popeth mae Teigr bach yn ei glywed yn newydd ac yn gyffrous. Pan mae’n dweud wrth ei fam am y synau o’i gwmpas mae hi’n ei atgoffa ‘Pan na fyddi di’n eu clywed, bryd hynny, fy mab, bydd barod. Bydd Arglwydd y Fforest yma!’ Ond pwy yw Arglwydd y Fforest, a phryd bydd Teigr yn gwybod?

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