Bookshop Crawl interview with Graffeg
London Bookshop Crawl started in 2016 as a way to get a group of book lovers offline and into the real world to meet each other, discover brilliant bookshops and buy books. Each summer, the bookshop crawl goes on holiday; Bath in 2016, Oxford in 2017 , Canterbury in 2018 and back to Bath in 2019. This year, they've chosen Wales as the destination of their summer bookshop crawl. The summer bookshop crawl consists of online events and online and in person bookshop crawling taking place over a weekend.
We were lucky enough to be asked to be interviewed by the wonderful team at Bookshop Crawl. Grab the popcorn and have a watch below.
Bookshops mentioned:
Booka, Oswestry (not in Wales, but have ended up on our Big List anyway so give them a visit!)
Bookish, Crickhowell
Penrallt Gallery Bookshop, Machynlleth
Books mentioned:
The Human Stain by Philip Roth
Portraits of Tibet by Diane Barker
Goodbye Hobbs by Emma Bettridge and Josephine Birch
The Wish Gatherers by Karin Celestine and Tamsin Rosewell