Cyhoeddi Cymru/Publishing Wales
We’re so pleased to announce the launch of Cyhoeddi Cymru. Joining forces with publishers across Wales such as The University of Wales Press, Welsh Academic Press and Firefly, we have formed a new umbrella organisation to represent the sector, Cyhoeddi Cymru (CCPW).
Our Managing Director here at Graffeg, Peter Gill, is one of the founders of CCPW. Peter writes, “CCPW has been established by a wide range of publishers who reflect the diverse nature of the industry, from children’s books, poetry and art, to academic and sports publishers”
There are six key objectives to CCPW:
1. To give publishing in Wales an identity
Creating solidarity amongst the publishing sector in Wales, focusing on our common ground.
Creating a community based around our shared passion for what we do and our ambitions as a collective.
2. To put Welsh publishing sector on the global map
International in outlook, both in aspiration and in representing the sector abroad.
Promoting the talent of Welsh authors, illustrators, editors, publishing houses and others to Wales and to the World.
3. To champion and grow the publishing sector in Wales
Promoting access to print, digital and online content.
Ensuring that the value of rights is recognised by everyone, including authors/illustrators, to encourage the flow of investment into the sector.
Representing and securing a strong voice for the publishing sector within the Creative Industry/Creative Wales Welsh Government focus.
Building and demonstrating a compelling case around the importance of Welsh publishing.
Understanding the economic importance to individuals and communities within the micro, small and medium business sector.
Promoting the value of the ‘Welsh Pound’ and the Future Generations Act when it comes to awarding public sector contracts relevant to the publishing sector and recognising the wider impact on communities when investing in and developing the sector.
Advancing publishing excellence, innovation, creativity, resilience and sustainability.
4. To encourage growth of readers in Wales at all levels
Recognising the importance of literacy to society and increasing the volume of readers at all levels of ability.
5. To encourage and support the growth of the Welsh language, multiculturism, and diversity
Bilingual in our identity and operations.
Inclusive and diverse in our membership and approach.
6. To be a unified, authoritative voice for the sector
Representing Welsh publishers when talking to other organisations:
Books Council of Wales, Literature Wales, Creative Wales, Welsh Government, the media, Welsh universities with courses relevant to the sector and other trade bodies in the UK and Worldwide.
Lobbying and working with Welsh Government and other relevant organisations and causes.
CCPW is currently working with all Wales-based publishers on their aims and plans for the future, with a membership model being developed. Input and feedback is encouraged via email and in the meantime, check out their new website here.