Age 3-5 | Hardback & Paperback | 32 pages | 250 x 250mm
Publication June 2016 | ISBN 9781802584035
Discover the delights of nature with zoologist, poet and top children's book author, Nicola Davies.
Follow her young adventurer as she treks through the jungle, dives deep down into the sea and climbs high up into the trees. Into the Blue features delightful characters from the deep blue sea. Fully illustrated in colour by exciting new illustrator Abbie Cameron.
Books in the series:
- Animal Surprises
- Into the Blue
- The Word Bird
- The Secret of the Egg
- Invertebrates are Cool
- The Versatile Reptile
Nicola Davies is an award-winning author whose many books for children include A First Book of Nature, Ice Bear, Big Blue Whale and the Silver Street Farm series. She graduated in zoology, studied whales and bats then worked in the BBC Nature History Unit. Underlying all Nicola's writing is the belief that a relationship with nature is essential to every human being, and that now, more than ever, we need to renew that relationship.
Abbie Cameron was raised on the farmlands of the West Country. Surrounded by nature, she developed a love and appreciation for all creatures great and small. Abbie studied Illustration at University of Wales Trinity Saint David, where she first met Nicola Davies. Her style is playful and inventive, sharing some of the tongue-in-cheek attitude and doodle-like style of other contemporary British illustrators. She employs the use of bright colours and texture, whilst playing with scale, composition and open space. The Word Bird, Animal Surprises and Into the Blue are Abbie’s first published books but she hopes to continue a career in picture book illustration. Other notable achievements include being Highly Commended in the Penguin Random House Design Awards 2014.
'Davies and Cameron ably depict the sheer variety of the underwater world accessibly for little ones, conveying a sense of wonder at all the amazing creatures the seas and oceans hold. [...] Davies' rhymes are fun and bouncy, giving lots of interesting facts that kids are bound to remember. There's a fun little puzzle at the end, too.' Booktrust
'Beautifully illustrated in full colour by Abbie Cameron and accompanied by Nicola Davies’s gentle rhyming text, the combination of words and pictures will make this a huge hit with young children.' Jacqui Sydney, Mrs Sydney's Famous World's Smallest Library