Hardback | 180 pages | 250 x 250mm
Publication September 2020 | ISBN 9781913134730
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Founded in 1992 to advance public education in and appreciation of the arts by the public display of fine works of art, the Derek Williams Trust now works in close cooperation with Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales, collecting post-19th century fine and applied art and both purchasing art for its own collection – curated by National Museum Wales – and supporting the Museum in its purchases. Here David Moore surveys how Williams’s bequest has acted as a catalyst towards the display of modern art in Wales and enabled the funding and development of a collection of real significance for residents and visitors to appreciate.
David Moore has worked extensively for museums and galleries in Wales and was curator of Brecknock Museum and Art Gallery between 1992 and 2004, where he established an extensive and well-supported programme of exhibitions focusing upon Welsh artists.
David has written books and catalogues on Welsh art under the Crooked Window imprint, which he runs with artist Sue Hiley Harris (www.crookedwindow.co.uk).