Hardback | 80 pages | 210 x 148mm
Publication November 2020 | ISBN 9781912654932
A collection of recipes from members of the Welsh regiments together with those of families and friends.
A really eclectic mix representing a long and proud history of serving and living around the world. The book has over 80 recipes: soups, starters, main meals, smaller meals, puddings, sauces, baking and drinks. Recipes have been submitted by people from across the Regimental family.
A bold and imaginative initiative that will help tell the stories of the whole Regiment to the hundreds of thousands of visitors to The Royal Welsh Regimental Museum in mid-Wales. The Royal Welsh Cookbook is published by Graffeg 2020 on behalf of The Friends of The Royal Welsh Regimental Museum.
Recipes include:
- Leek and Sweet Potato Soup
- Hungarian Goulash
- Homestyle Chicken Curry
- Danish Lemon Mousse
- Rhubarb Miracle Pudding