Age 5-7 | Hardback | 32 pages | 200 x 250mm
Publication October 2021 | ISBN 9781914079658
Lo and Behold!
A Bump in the Night
Late at night on Christmas Eve, Mouse and Mole are getting ready for bed, when they realise they’ve forgotten a few important tasks – putting the stockings by the chimney, leaving the mince pies and cherry brandy out for Father Christmas and sending their Christmas lists – but as they finish these jobs something goes BUMP! in the night…
- Mouse & Mole
- Mouse & Mole: Have a Party
- A Very Special Mouse & Mole
- Happy Days for Mouse & Mole
- Mouse & Mole: A Fresh Start
- Mouse & Mole: The Secret of Happiness
- Mouse & Mole: Lo and Behold
- Mouse & Mole: Boo to the Who
- Mouse and Mole: What Might Have Been
- Mouse and Mole: Moments of Friendship
Find out more about Mouse and Mole:
"The long-running Mouse And Mole series is a deceptively simple delight. The warm relationship is delicately handled with dry humour" - Sally Morris, The Daily Mail
"Just lovely. Gorgeous illustrations and delightful tales make this book perfect for cuddling up with in the festive- or any - season!" - North Somerset Teachers' Book Award
"Perfect for a little one's Christmas stocking." - Zoe James-Williams, Drawing on Books
'These stories are like a soft warm fluffy comfort blanket and beg to be read in a big armchair with scones and tea, or in this case, mince pies!
The illustrations are delightful, capturing the affection between the two friends and their eccentric character.
Such a joy to read aloud, these tales are told with gentle humour and a huge heart. Simple adventures to be enjoyed over and over again.
Beautiful books to give as gifts filled with stories to be treasured for always" - Jennie Edwards, Edspire
"Mouse and Mole: Lo and Behold! is a superb book. I loved everything about it, from the two caring and loving friends to the nostalgic feeling you get when you read it. It is a tremendous read and I am sure children will adore it." - Stacey, Whispering Stories.
"Three charming short stories all matched with beautiful and warm hearted illustrations make this a perfect book to share at any time and especially in the run up to Christmas!" - Julie Eccleshare, Love Reading 4 Kids
"Brimming over with seasonal warmth and the spirit of friendship is author Joyce and artist James ‘ visit to the wonderful world of Mouse, Mole and their other animal friends." - Jill Bennett, Red Reading Hub
"The character-full, beautiful illustrations are detailed, expressive and capture the atmosphere, expressing the stories to perfection! With fun and sometimes puzzling adventures; quiet, satisfying joy, a real sense of friendship and heart, Lo and Behold! is filled with seasonal warmth and charm." - Mary Esther Judy, Fallen Star Stories
"Author and illustrator duo Joyce Dunbar and James Mayhew always sprinkle magic across the pages of their books but this one feels extra magical." - Natalie Xenos, Culturefly
"As you read the stories the descriptions and pictures of Mole and Mouse are so realistic that you feel you are there having fun with them. And what fun you have. The book has all the features of an excellent traditional feel-good Christmas story book!" - Phil, R U Joking Grandad & Jeannie
"Gorgeous Christmas cracker of a read for kid." - Lucy Owen
"This is a cute collection of stories about the adorable, endearing characters of Mouse & Mole. I especially loved the story of Snowmole - it was such a wintery, feel-good tale which showed the importance of friendship." - The Teacher Bookworm
'A warm hearted story with beautiful illustrations' - Helen Byles, Book Bound
'These stories are very sweet and very wholesome, and the illustrations are beautiful. A great addition to any collection of festive books.' - Ninja Book Box