Rita is a little girl with big ideas, and now with a bright future in the wider publishing world as Graffeg aquires the UK language rights for her 6-book series by author Máire Zepf and illustrator Mr Ando.
Today marks the publication of The Second Wave, written by Dr Ami Jones and shot by Glenn Dene. This is our second and hopefully our last book documenting the day-to-day struggles of the NHS family's fight with COVID-19.
Today marks the publication of I am an Artist written by Kertu Sillaste, translated to English by Adam Cullen and translated to Welsh by Mary Jones. This brilliant picture book was originally published in Estonian, and we couldn't be more happy to make this available to Welsh and English speaking audiences.
Last Thursday (29th July) the concert premiere of Gaspard's Foxtrot took place at the 3 Choirs Festival at Rogers Theatre, Malvern College with conductor Alice Farnham and composer Jonathan Dove of Philharmonic Orchestra, narrator and author Zeb Soanes and illustrator James Mayhew.
We’re so pleased to announce the launch of Cyhoeddi Cymru. Joining forces with publishers across Wales such as The University of Wales Press, Welsh Academic Press and Firefly, we have formed a new umbrella organisation to represent the sector, Cyhoeddi Cymru (CCPW).
Last week, we were lucky enough to partner with Lancaster Litfest to present a trio of authors and illustrators, Jackie Morris, Cathy Fisher and Nicola Davies, who dicussed their books and creative practises in a special event hosted from Jackie Morris’ kitchen.